Fair Well Fishery
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Fair Well adheres to the followings:
  • 100% Catch Retention of All Tuna - We supports and complies with this resolution company policies mandating that all tuna caught on board of controlled purse seine vessels must be fully retained, except those unfit for human consumption or when in the final set of a trip , there is insufficient well space to accommodate all fish caught set.
  • Prohibition of Shark Finning - We does not permit aboard its vessels the practice of shark finning, which is defined as the removal and retention of any shark fins while discarding the remainder of the shark at sea and requires that all shark are, if retained, stored and landed with fins naturally attached.
  • Deployment of non-entangling FADs - From 2023, we will meet best practices for FAD management per ISSF Conservation Measure 3.5 and ISSF Conservation Measure 3.7, and commit to abiding by the limit of active number of FADs adopted by WCPFC ; and high entanglement risk FADs will not be deployed. In addition to our website, the policy is visible to all purse seiners under our management (Find attached).
  • Avoid exploitation of groundwater - Over drafting groundwater may cause land subsidence and other negative consequences. It is our mandate to apply 100% sea water for grouper aquaculture.